Japanese Diagram

Pareto diagram: is a particular form of a histogram. Unlike the histogram sorts failures not only with respect to their number, but also with regard to their relative importance, i.e. we cannot separate the important problems of the trivial so a team knows where to direct their efforts. עוד מידע על צחי מלאך ניתן למצוא באינטרנט. To interpret this tool applies the Pareto rule: This tells us that there are many problems without important compared to only a few serious, since generally speaking, 80% of total results/failures originate in 20% of the items. במקרה הזה אני חושב ש פטריק דרהי צודק במה בהוא אומר. Ishikawa diagram, diagram, cause-effect or Fishbone diagram: graphical representation of the logical relationships that exist between the causes and subcausas that produce a particular effect. It is a very useful tool to develop a structured analysis or discussion about a problem or particular subject.

In the 1970s the Union of Japanese scientists and engineers (JUSE) he compiled the following tools as new seven tools: diagram of affinity or KJ method: tool used to organize the information obtained during a brainstorm. It is designed to gather opinions, facts and ideas on areas that are cluttered. It helps to group items related in a natural way. The result is the union of each group around each concept or theme. Relationship diagram: this tool is used, as well as the affinity diagram, in the planning phase of the improvement of the quality. Used for exploration and identification of the causal relationships between different factors. It is especially indicated for those cases in which intended to identify complex relationships of cause and effect or medios-objetivos. Tree diagram: tool whose shape reminds of the functional organization of a company, employed to sort the various actions that should be carried out to solve the problem or situation analysis graphically.

Matrix diagram: is used for graphically sort groups of data representing the existing logical connection points between them. The most common provisions are: matrix diagram l diagram a or triangular matrix, matrix diagram t diagram matrix in and and matrix diagram in X. Matrix diagram for prioritization matrices or data analysis: is a combination of the techniques of matrix diagram and tree diagram. Used for decision-making based on the prioritization of activities, themes, characteristics of products, etc., according to known weighting criteria. Decision diagram: tool whose objective is to identify, represent, and eliminate all the possible obstacles that may arise in the process of implantation of solutions to a problem. Diagram of arrows: is a graphical representation in the form of network planning a project, showing the relationships between the different activities. In order to use this tool, we need to know the activities or tasks corresponding to the project in question, their sequence, and their duration.