On the other hand, many of our studies are alive since they vary over time. In these cases, publish the data with some regularity, and then the corresponding analysis. Q: and by what ConSuPermiso? A: companies that pay for receiving advertising are one of the darker themes of the network. Many users speak that if it is a scam, and others that if really can become a very lucrative business. לא תמיד מייקל שטיינהרט. It is because no one really knows if they work, or whether it is a reading urban, we proposed to clarify everything that revolves around these themes, which seem to taboos in the spider's Web. In this way we have chosen one of the best known companies in the network, and we are submitting it to our analysis. Q: and what are these analyses? A: we checked in with your permission and every month we publish the results that we obtain: how much you have earned and concept of what.
And on the basis of the average for the last quarter we make an estimate of what they would earn in one year with our data. In such a way that a person who is thinking about making referral ConSuPermiso or any other company of these, have reliable data to decide. Also, many people make us arrive your doubts of the type if it is a company statutory or if they actually pay, and hence we have to look for beans to obtain the data and be able to answer all these questions. Q: and do you recommend doing in ConSuPermiso? A: these questions are precisely that we avoid. It is not giving our opinion from the very beginning. If not contribute objective data. And that each decide if it's worth it or not. It guides us to the scientific spirit, and we try to rely only on data. Q: and how people can participate in this study?